About Atlas Counselling

What Does Atlas Counselling Actually Do?

Atlas Counselling is a staunch advocate of individual agency.  By taking a client-centred approach, each client is supported to increase their personal awareness of both their lived reality and their felt experience, and the influence and impact that each has on their actions, reactions and decision-making.

Using the mechanism of awareness, a client has the ability to make self-determining choices toward the values-driven life they want for themselves.  By developing confidence in our safe, judgement-free therapeutic relationship, a client is able to unpack experiences and practice skills that can help them to forge authentic relationships outside of therapy, and to create meaningful connections.

Atlas Counselling provides counselling services with a degree qualified counsellor who is committed to ethical practice and is a member of the Psychotherapists and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA).

It is important that you understand the difference between counselling services, psychology services, and psychiatric services. You can find some more information about the difference between these services by clicking here, otherwise give Atlas Counselling a call, make contact through the Facebook page, or send an email.

The question is often asked “What kind of counselling does Atlas Counselling do?” This is a difficult question to answer easily since Atlas Counselling does not conform to the prescriptive agenda that has been forced upon the emotional and mental well-being of people.

At Atlas Counselling the labels that people either give themselves, or those which others attribute to them, are not the points of focus.  The focus here at Atlas Counselling is YOU, the human “under” the labels.  If you’re sad, angry, or overwhelmed; if you’re conflicted, stressed out, or anxious; if you’re able to describe the “condition” that you are struggling to manage, accept or work with or through, it remains that it is your specific and unique experience of those feelings and circumstances.

Atlas Counselling is focused on YOUR experience of those things as opposed to taking the position that you are the result of the effect they have on you.  Two different people who feel anxious may not be affected the same way, so rather than concentrating on the anxiety, Atlas Counselling will concentrate on YOUR experience of anxiety – that’s where the work is done.  Hopefully this makes sense.  The technical term for this modality of counselling is ‘Person Centred Counselling’ or ‘Client Focused Counselling’.  This is the underpinning of what we do.  We may draw techniques from several different modalities of counselling, which are not limited to or may or may not include:

  • Existential Therapy
  • Rogerian Person-Centred Therapy
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Logotherapy
  • Jungian Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Solutions Focused Therapy
  • Narrative Therapy

By remaining flexible in approach and focussing on you and what you need in the moment, we can walk with you on your journey and help you to achieve the goals and outcomes that you want and need for yourself.  This means that you are not getting a counsellor that is focused on what they can do “at” you to help you, but a counsellor that is focused on what YOU need from the therapeutic relationship.

Another function of Atlas Counselling is to provide a safe place for you to unpack your emotional ‘baggage’ to a person who is, with respect to you, exclusively in your corner; someone who is there to work with you to YOUR benefit. It is typically easier to talk to someone who is intent on hearing and understanding you, your experiences, and your story; who can do so without judgement; who is not otherwise involved in, or influenced by, other factors and people in your life.  For instance, it is difficult to discuss challenges in relationships with people who are in some form or fashion invested in the other parties of the relationship(s).  You may not feel like you are able to be completely open and honest when seeking support from the people around you for fear of causing offense, influencing the way the person may see you or someone else that your concerns involve, having your thoughts, feelings and/or words used against you sometime in the future, or simply you don’t have a support person or network available to you.  This is part of what it means to be in a “safe space”.

Atlas Counselling currently offers counselling sessions either face to face, or online.  Click the relative hyperlink for more detailed information to consider for each option.  Of course, you may choose a combination of solutions.

What kinds of things might Atlas Counselling be able to help with?

Atlas Counselling is passionate about (re)empowering people to take back the control of their circumstances and lives. We aim to promote purpose and meaning and to motivate you to achieve the goals that you set for yourself and we hope to work with you to establish patterns, habits, and strategies that can help to you to make those goals a reality.

It is likely that you have come to this site having already identified one area or another that you hope to get some support with. Below is a basic list of some area’s that Atlas Counselling may be able to provide support.  Of course, this list is not exhaustive and as such, it is not necessarily the limit of where we can seek to support and help you:

  • Building stronger relationships
  • Establishing personal boundaries
  • Practising assertiveness
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Managing addiction
  • Managing general mental health
  • Establishing coping strategies
  • Working through grief and loss
  • Support with transitioning through life stages
  • Generalised anxiety
  • Coping with illness, pain or poor health
  • Domestic/Family violence
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • General change management
  • Stress management
  • Anger management
  • Transitioning to/from work/school
  • Self-esteem, respect and confidence

How is Atlas Counselling different from other counselling services?

Atlas Counselling differs in tone from many others. The aim is to help you to achieve higher levels of self-awareness.  This requires a willingness to face and find peace with discomfort; to acknowledge and respect that which we traditionally consider to be ‘problems’, and reframe them as opportunities from which to learn and grow.  In doing so, these obstacles and barriers can be managed and can instead be used to draw and claim personal power.

Atlas Counselling aims is to provide a safe space and an environment which encourages you to open up and discuss those things that are weighing you down or preventing you from living your best life. Atlas Counselling recognises that when it comes to environment, what feels right for one person, does not necessarily feel right for another.  Coming into a professional counselling room and sitting on a chair can prove to be an intimidating or daunting experience for some people.  Perhaps something more relaxed like sitting on the floor on cushions is more comfortable.  Sometimes people are more comfortable opening up while walking.  Sometimes people prefer to sit outside on the grass or at the beach.  There are as many differences in what promotes a comfortable environment as there are people and Atlas Counselling seeks, where possible, to make your sessions as flexible as you need.  This is something that sets Atlas Counselling apart from many other more “traditional” counselling practices.  At your initial appointment, we can discuss making any subsequent appointment at a location other than in the traditional counselling room setting if that is something that appeals to you.

Emergency Contact List

Kids Help Line:                                       1800 55 1800

Lifeline:                                                      13 11 14

Domestic Violence Crisis Line:         1800 65 64 63

Australian Emergency Services:        000
(Police, Fire, Ambulance)

For other options, please visit https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines